Ellen May Davis 18/02/11 ITC
What a wonderful review- I'm flattered! Although you did get my initials wrong...revenge for once calling you Porter Snorter perhaps?
Medical Misdemeanors was so much fun to shoot. Miss Brown is undoubtedly a legend but her reputation still doesn't do her justice. Such a lovely person out of character; she is positively terrifying 'in role'!
Her skill with a cane is something truly beautiful to witness but even better to receive. When we shot the caning sequence the idea was that I would 'tell the truth' at a dozen strokes. I was having such a wonderful time that they were eventually forced to cut and remind me that I had 'lines'! She canes with a pacing and intensity that is just irresitable!
This is an unusual CP film. There's an attention to detail that one doesn't often encounter and I hope that comes across. It was also incredibly hot to shoot and that must make for a great film?!?
SwishSwitch 20/02/11 ITC
I must endorse what Ellen has written. I was lucky enough to play the Doctor. I have been something of a champion of Miss Brown, as I expect you readers have noticed over the last couple of years. In Medical Misdemeanours there is a performance from Miss Brown that ranks up there with the best she has ever given. Indeed I think it is a classic from this living legend. The chemistry on the day was wonderful between all the players.
After I had done my bit I found myself outside the room at the point that Ellen was going to receive hers. I was beside myself at the thought of missing the scene and tried to peep through the frosted glass. Fortunately my face was in camera shot and proceedings were halted to allow me back in; delivering me from being a peeping Tom into the blissful position of being just behind the camera. What I then saw will stay with me for the rest of my life; and I would happily go tomorrow if need be. Ellen is the most consumate sub I have ever seen. So obviously loves the cane and took 18 strokes which were full force. The natural actress in her elicited the required sobs, grunts and groans but when you watch the film you will see that the way she bucks and thrusts and rides out the strokes with her legs in stirrups, it is like a Champion riding a Winner.
I do hope you all see this movie and if it is within your realm of possibilities, come to a Miss Brown party and see for yourself just what a lovely and charming women, the person is, who plays the fierceome Miss Brown.