Thank you so much for yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together and it’s an experience that will live with me forever.
My return flight was delayed slightly but I was home by 11pm, very tired but also very happy. What a day!
I’m so grateful for the photographs and to have a permanent reminder of my first ever session. It was really kind of you to take and send them to me. Thank you.
The time passed in a blur during the session and it was difficult to take it all in but once I’d eventually come back down to earth, it all came flooding back. I really liked the selection of implements and it was great to try out so many at the same time. I was slightly worried about my tolerance level but you seemed to know instinctively just how far you could take me. It was great to feel entirely safe but also to be pushed slightly at the same time. I loved the marks and I’m pleased to say I still have a few cane stripes as well as the signs of a tawse today.
You really are exceptional at what you do and you play the headmistress role to absolute perfection. To experience it in real time was truly amazing, if a little terrifying.
My secret desire has always been to visit a disciplinarian. I’ve never been brave enough to take the first step but with my 50th birthday fast approaching, I managed to pluck up the courage to reach out to you. I’m so glad I did and my only regret is that I didn’t do it years ago. You did say it’s never too late to begin and I’m so grateful for all your kindness and encouragement. From our first email exchange to finding myself bent over your desk, I felt safe and confident that I’d made the right choice.
Thank you so much and I hope I have the opportunity to visit again at some point in the future.
August 2023
I’m a woman in her mid-30s and although I’ve always fantasized about CP and spankings, the right real-life opportunity never presented itself. It was only last year that I came across Miss Brown’s work and her authentic, calm, and unrelenting demeanour immediately clicked with me. A week later I found myself enquiring about an appointment and booking a flight to London. Mind you, I don’t often travel beyond the occasional family visit, so that tells you quite a bit.
When imagination becomes reality, I usually expect a few cutbacks, but the opposite was true for my first two sessions with Miss Brown. At the risk of stating the obvious, this whole thing is very intimate and personal, and far outside my usual comfort zone. I need someone with a natural authority who I genuinely trust, like and respect to feel safe and comfortable enough for my head to play along. Miss Brown ticks all these boxes for me and her introduction to the world of CP was more than I could’ve wished for. Echoing other testimonials, my backside can vouch for the carefully tailored selection and severity, as well as precise implementation of her disciplinary measures; albeit with questionable effectiveness as I’m expecting to continue finding myself back in her study regularly.
Above all, these sessions have been nothing but a source of joy, motivation, and empowerment for me and I’m grateful that I get to experience this with such a distinguished professional. My late entry into the game was absolutely worth the wait.
January 2023
They say not to meet your heroes, but I did and am SO glad for doing so.
I have seen many of Miss Brown’s videos over the years and always admired her approach to strict, no-nonsense discipline, particularly her expertise (and ferocity!) with the cane. But living in the United States, I didn’t have a chance to meet and session with her in person. Until last week.
As soon as I knew I was going to England, I made an appointment. I was persuaded not just by the videos but by some of the testimonials on her website that talked about how kind and understanding she is. Even so, I fretted and worried and dreaded and longed for the day of the appointment for weeks in advance.
The moment we met I knew I was in good hands. She was kind, asked questions, and really wanted to know what my needs were. We discussed the scenario and then the moment of truth arrived. It was a role play, and she was utterly phenomenal. We were in the rented space she uses in central London, which while appearing more BDSM-oriented, changed in both our minds into a school setting. She is so incredibly convincing in the role of headmistress that it didn’t matter what I was bending over, it only mattered that she was there, telling me I was to be caned.
And was I ever! It takes a special kind of skill to push a (fairly) experienced player to his limits, all the while staying in character and thereby keeping me in my role, too. Simply put, the experience was everything I could have imagined, and more.
Afterward, we talked for a bit, and she gave me the hug I needed. To make such a strong connection, and so soon, with a genuinely iconic figure in the world of corporal punishment was incredibly special. And the next time I’m in England, visiting Miss Brown is the first thing I will arrange.
M (Texas)
April 2022
I have been visiting Miss Brown for close to seven years and have never had a session that was anything other than wonderfully satisfying. My previous visit was earlier in the year for a much-needed birthday beating; one blistering stroke for each of the many years of my age. This was to be my last appointment at Miss Brown’s study in Fitzrovia and I feared that her move to the London suburbs might put an end to my opportunities to see her. In this, I am pleased to say, I was mistaken.
Miss Brown’s new premises are so easy to reach by rail from central London that I did not need much in the way of additional travel time. They would also be much more convenient to get to by car, for those who prefer driving. I confess that I also feared that the new headmistress’s study could not possibly match the evocative ambiance of the old one; how can one replicate something that was already close to perfection? Again, I found I had been worrying unnecessarily, the new study is just as good, if not better.
Miss Brown herself also appeared rejuvenated by the move, as my bottom was soon to discover. I had requested a severe and lengthy caning and I got my wish. Miss Brown was on stellar form and my buttocks were soon as spectacularly marked as they’ve ever been. Some four days on they remain deliciously tender and striped as they begin the rainbow transformations typical of the aftermath of a thrashing.
Other things were also unchanged: Miss Brown’s obvious enjoyment of her work, her delight in the visible results of her efforts and her charming company as we reflected together on the session.
I have a need to session at the harder end of the spectrum but, if you desire something less severe, you can have confidence that Miss Brown’s professionalism and skill can readily accommodate you. She will read you like a book, tailor the session to your limits (while gently pushing them a little) and, above all, ensure that you always feel safe.
Thank you, Miss Brown.
Mark B.
April 2022
Dear Miss Brown
Now that I have had a chance to catch my breath I just wanted to thank you again for yesterday’s amazing session. I knew I was quite literally asking for it (albeit in a very safe way) when I hinted that I would like you to push me a bit. I was pushed all the way, especially with the canings, but as ever I think your sixth sense for just how far I could go was instinctively tuned into the action, and I just wouldn’t have had it any other way. It was amazing; I was almost in another world by the end – quite light-headed. In a funny way I think the stresses we have all endured over the last 18 months made it even more necessary for the ‘destressing’ process to be just a little bit more vigorous than I have experienced previously.
When you play fairly infrequently, as I do, the first elements of excitement, apprehension and imagination begin almost as soon as the booking has been confirmed. It’s a little bit like a child looking forward to Christmas.
During our session I was (for obvious reasons!) well aware that Headmistress Brown was, as usual, well and truly into character, but it was not until we were chatting afterwards that I realised the extent to which you had enjoyed it too. Given your level of experience and your unequalled expertise in the field, it really was the icing on the cake.
So many, many thanks to you. The school blazer is hanging back in the cupboard until the next time, but what a mind-blowing experience it was. It was really lovely to see you again, and hopefully it will not be so long before my next visit to your study. You really are brilliant at what you do, and a very lovely and charming person to talk to out of session.
August 2021
I cannot tell you how much my session with you last week meant to me. I had been dreading it from the moment you told me to report to you at the Court of Fitzrovia. This was my second session with you, so I knew what to expect. I would get no mercy and I got none. It was without doubt the harshest caning have ever received and in its strange way the most satisfying.
It was indeed a work of art and I am so proud to have been the canvas on which you executed your skill.
It was the most extraordinary, wonderful and memorable experience of my 30 years involvement with the BDSM world.
August 2021
Real discipline for genuine issues
I really don’t like pain at all – I hate it. I don’t really like discipline much either – my chaotic and immoral lifestyle is a terrible testament to that. I may not like discipline but I desperately need it. Big time. I need to be held to account for many things, but mainly for my tendency to treat those closest to me (work and family both) in a terribly selfish and unfair way on too many occasions. I need to pay the price for this – I need to be punished. Mainly in the hope that I will learn a lesson and modify my behaviour but also for my own sanity. I need some kind of purification. I need to feel the dreaded pain of corporal punishment to grasp how unfairly and callously I treat other people sometimes. Very real punishment for very real misdemeanours.
For years I tried to find somebody who understood my needs. I had given up when someone told me about Miss Brown.
Within a minute or two of talking to her on the phone for the first time I knew that she was completely on my wavelength. She understands totally the physiological aspects of what she does, and as many others have stated her practical expertise is beyond compare. That is painfully obvious.
She ‘weighs’ her punishments perfectly and intuitively. If she feels your behaviour is not without some redemption she will show (some!) mercy. But rest assured, that if she disapproves of your behaviour/actions you will be punished with clinical, ritualistic severity. It will hurt like hell but it is never barbaric or unjustified.
While the punishment is being administered Miss Brown is the absolute genuine epitome of the severe authoritarian figure we can all really identify with. But once deserved justice has been expertly dispensed, she is wonderful charming company. Elegant, funny, perceptive and utterly supportive.
If you have anything resembling the same needs as I have for real discipline for genuine issues then you will never have to look further than Miss Brown.
July 2020
Caned every day
I had long dreamed of being caned every morning for a week. You made this dream a reality and performed the scenario to perfection. I have never felt so immersed in my schoolboy role. The psychological challenge was huge, and that coupled with genuinely painful canings made for an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life.
I could have only done this with you. No one else comes close in creating such an authentic traditional school scenario. No one else can read me in the way you do. I treasure my time spent with you because you can mine my emotions and free them. I trust you completely.
I cannot begin to tell you how much I learned about myself through this experience, how much I developed and improved under your instruction. By the final day, I had reached the point that I always wanted — I was trying my best to accept my punishment gratefully and stoically, upholding the traditional British school values and exhibiting the conduct that you demand.
Spending time in the presence of such an intelligent, knowledgeable and wise disciplinarian has been one of the best decisions of my life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Until next time…
July 2020
I have now had three sessions with Miss Brown – if only I had more opportunities to get to London, it would be many more, I’m sure!
I can still remember my anxiety before my first visit – would she be actually too severe, would I finally have bitten off more than I could chew? I had seen her performance in videos, and I had seen her advertisements, so I knew well her fearsome reputation! Could I really run such a risk?
In fact, of course, as those who have visited her will know, Miss Brown is a delightful person when not in her punitive role – very understanding, very non-judgemental, and very much in tune with this subject which has fascinated me and plenty of others for so many years! And the punishments she gives, while severe enough to excite me and to give me a feeling of achievement, never for a moment get out of control or are dangerous.
When I visited her this time, I did actually have something new to propose, which had me wondering whether I was being too ambitious. Was I going to spoil things for myself by over-estimating my capacity to take pain?
I had always felt that the idea of being warmed up with a spanking was almost a cop-out – it would never have happened at school in the old days, after all. And so I suggested that we should start with six with the cane – and only after that would Miss Brown start to fill in the gaps with a spanking!
When I broached the subject rather diffidently, to my relief and delight she seized on the idea.
Long ago, I explained, I had read a school story in which there was a riot in the dormitory at bedtime, quelled by a cane-carrying master. After all was quiet, the boys were told to enter in alphabetical order (as someone whose name comes near the end of the alphabet, I should have regarded the enforced wait as yet one more example of unfair oppression!). They were caned in their night-wear, and the narrator commented mildly “In pyjamas, six of the best can feel like six of the very worst!” In memory of this story, I was to be given six with the cane while dressed in pyjamas, before they came down and we moved on to a bare-bottom spanking, a thrashing with various implements, and a final long and severe caning. And this extended punishment would be explained by a different part of the scenario.
Although when the session started I felt the usual excited trepidation, I always felt entirely safe in Miss Brown’s hands.
After the first six I inspected my marks – and they were brilliant – in themselves they were testimony to Miss Brown’s skill and accuracy with the cane. Just how naughty boys and girls should look after their punishments! They made a deep and intense narrow band of ridged and angry lines.
Yes, it hurt – but who cares, when it is so exciting! Oh it is fun being a naughty boy – or according to the scenario, a disreputable and disrespectful man – when Miss Brown is around! Thank you so much, Miss Brown, and I hope to see you many times in the future!
February 2020
As a woman, it can be challenging to find opportunities to satisfy a need for Corporal Punishment in a way that is both safe and completely fulfilling. I am delighted to have found Miss Brown. From the first occasion, I was reassured by her huge experience and professionalism, and impressed by the way in which she took time to understand my fantasies and preferences and then tailored her approach to me as an individual.
For me, much of the pleasure and thrill of a session is what happens inside my head, and Miss Brown is very skilled in understanding this and steering the scene accordingly. As a headmistress, she is simply formidable — her gimlet stare as she scolds sends real chills down the spine and perfectly builds the anticipation of the punishment to come. I have been spanked, slippered and caned, and every experience has been as immensely enjoyable as it was painful!
Once the scene is over, Miss Brown is a warm and delightful person. I am very grateful to her for the excitement and release the sessions give me — this naughty girl is likely to need many more strict punishments to learn her lesson!
January 2020
If Le Guide Michelin gave stars for thrashings, Miss Brown would get the full three.
The perfect corporal punishment session addresses the mind as well as the flesh. If a punishment is milder than hoped for, you will likely go away unsatisfied. If it is too severe, you will be unhappy. If you receive the level of sting you were expecting, then you will chalk it up as a success. But, ah, what if you receive something just that little bit on the more challenging side of what you were expecting? Then afterwards, you are able to feel that you have been punished. Well, that was really what you were looking for, wasn’t it?
Miss Brown will gladly sit with you and discuss your fantasies both before and after the session, as well as any interlude during the session itself, should you so choose. She is capable of delivering a service tailored to your very own needs and desires and will precisely adopt the persona you have agreed on. The better you convey what you are hoping to achieve, the better the outcome is likely to be. However, she is also intuitive and sensitive to the nuances of what you say, just as she is sensitive to your responses as she administers your punishment.
In my experience, you will get even better than you hoped for if you book a longer session.
So, if you haven’t yet plucked-up the courage to get in contact, get on and do it. She won’t bite, even if her implements do. Come on, you know you deserve it. Afterwards, you will leave with a sense of achievement, even pride, a smile on your face and some happy memories. And if it be your predilection, a well-caned behind.
October 2019
I had always fantasised about being punished next to a schoolgirl, watching her bottom turn red and having her watch mine receiving the same treatment. Miss Brown and I discussed this and she suggested that Sam Johnson join us. I nearly fell off my chair! This lady is an icon in my world, as is Miss Brown, so the thought of being in the same room as two of the most famous ladies in the business made me very excited and nervous indeed.
So, to the day. I walked in and was met by Miss Brown. We went into the Headmistress’s Office. There in real life was Sam Johnson! Stunning! Dressed in a schoolgirl uniform and looking totally the part with white socks, white blouse and a grey skirt. Miss Brown was looking her usual beautiful self and wearing that headmistress gown.
I changed into my PE kit and we then both waited outside her office. We knocked and walked in and were told to stand in front of the desk. Neither of us knew why we had been summoned to her office. It had come to Miss Brown’s attention that our answers in the Biology exam were the same and we had been sitting next to each other. So, one way or the other she was going to get to the bottom of it! Both of us denied any knowledge of such disgraceful conduct! This just led to Miss Brown getting more irked at both of us. We were both to be punished until she got to the truth.
Sam was first. I was told to stand in a certain place so I could see what was going to happen to me next. Sam was then hauled over Miss Brown’s lap, soon that famous left arm was raining down on her skirt. Sam protested her innocence but soon the skirt was up and the spanking continued over her white knickers. No confession, so the knickers were carefully pulled down to reveal the most delightful bottom, while maintaining her modesty. Miss Brown spanks hard and I knew what was coming my way very soon. Spanking over, Sam was told to get up and pull up her knickers. I was next. Over that famous lap and being spanked over my sports shorts. I did not take me long to pin the blame on Sam for cheating and copying my answers. I wanted to save my own skin. Sam vehemently denied any wrongdoing, so my punishment continued. Soon my shorts were pulled down and now I was in even more trouble. I was wearing a pair of panties. Miss Brown could not believe the nerve of someone coming into her office wearing such clothing. I blamed Sam again, claiming that they were hers and she had dared me to wear them. So, with me blaming it all on Sam and her denying the panties were hers, Miss Brown continued. Both of us got strapped over her desk and then caned over the pommel horse on our bare bottoms.
Miss Brown asked me at the end of my caning if I had anything to confess and I did! I copied Sam’s answers in Biology and the panties were mine! Miss Brown was incandescent with rage (words from Sam’s blog) that this poor girl had been beaten for nothing! Much to my protests I was told that I was going to be really punished for lying and getting Sam a really sore and marked red bottom when she was totally innocent. But then came the sting in the tail – Sam was to punish me as well!
First, I was ordered over Sam’s lap for a spanking with Miss Brown stood at my head end looking at me with those beautiful eyes all the time. Spanking over, she opened the desk and pulled out an old black plimsol. Over the desk I went and they took it in turns to whack me. I think they were enjoying this, and they both hit equally as hard!
Next was the tawse on my hands. I was to get six on each hand, three from Miss Brown and three from Sam. Miss Brown knows how to strap your hands and I can tell you this hurts. Sam’s turn came and I thought she would take it easy on me. I will leave it to your imagination if she did but my hands were left throbbing. Being punished and having to look into someone’s face while it happens is a very powerful, especially when it involves two beautiful women.
Back over the horse for more of the cane. I was made to count them. “One, thank you Miss” and so on. Sam was looking from behind and wincing as the strokes landed. I did think she felt sorry for me. That thought was quickly put to bed as she then proceeded to cane me. “One, thank you Sam” The indignity of it all!
Back to Miss Brown who was to finish my caning. That sound started again as the cane cut through the air. They both just laughed as I was lying over the horse with my shorts down and posterior bare and striped! Miss Brown decided a change of canes was in order and I knew what that meant. Sam was told to stand in front of me and look at me while I was to receive my final caning. By this time, I really did think she was feeling sorry for me.
Great fun was had by all. Thank you both for a truly memorable time that I will not forget.
July 2019
Today I received my first caning from Headmistress Brown. I had unfortunately been caught smoking for the second time in the same term. For my first offence, I had received six of the best from my Housemaster. The school rule is that pupils who are caught twice in the same term for the same offence shall be caned by the Headmistress with double the strokes received for the first offence. I was therefore in no doubt about the number that I would receive from her: twelve of the best. I also knew that she was fond of administering penalty strokes to any miscreant who failed to live up to her expectations in terms of comportment before, during and after the caning.
I knocked on her door and heard a peremptory “Come in” in response. Seeing Miss Brown in the flesh took me completely aback. She is a supremely authoritative figure, with a stature that exudes dominance and power and an unwavering stare that strikes anxiety in the heart of her miscreant. To complicate one’s emotions, she is also stunningly attractive.
She summoned me to stand to attention in front of her desk with my hands at my sides and my eyes kept front. After giving me a severe dressing down, she came from behind her desk to stare coldly at me from close range. I didn’t know whether to hold her stare or lower my eyes, but I decided on the former which seemed not to antagonise her. She ordered me to strip naked, place my clothes neatly on her chair, and take up my position again. Then she disappeared from my line of sight, and I heard a rattling noise as she selected her preferred cane, followed by the intimidating high-pitched whistle of the implement being slashed through the air.
“Bend over and grasp your ankles” she commanded. I wasted no time in obeying her, all of my senses on full alert. I felt and heard the cane tap my bare buttocks, followed immediately by the whistle and crack of the first stroke. Illogically and despite the mounting pain, the more she caned me, the more I wanted her to continue… which explains why I deliberately and perversely failed to hold position during all 12 strokes, thus earning myself penalty strokes for jumping up and clutching my buttocks, and once for swearing.
In the end I lost count, but Miss Brown told me afterwards that I had received eighteen strokes. At my request, she had used my phone to take photos of my bottom during the course of my caning, and I was amazed by the precision and accuracy of her strokes, each of which stood out as individual red welts on my pale flesh. I travelled home relishing the sensations of a throbbing bottom, determined that my first visit to Miss Brown would not be my last.
Leia-Ann Woods – an addendum
I have had occasion to discipline L-A Woods a number of times in the past but it had become clear that despite her protestations of future good behaviour sterner measures were required. A short email exchange followed by two phone conversations and all was arranged for Woods to present herself at Miss Brown’s office.
To any gentleman reading this who is responsible for disciplining a young lady and who feels she is in need of more serious punishment I would strongly recommend taking her to see Miss Brown. I have no doubt you would then see a marked improvement in her behaviour (as well as appropriate marks on her bottom!).
To any woman reading this who feels she needs some discipline in her life I would also strongly recommend contacting Miss Brown. She is supremely qualified to provide what you need in a safe, caring environment even though the experience will certainly be painful but carefully adapted to your needs.
The Inspector
Having been into CP for many years and not having played for a while, a window of opportunity came my way. I think by now I had read Miss Brown’s site from start to finish many times, thus I was very familiar with the various styles of punishment and previous people’s accounts. I had also watched Miss Brown on many videos and seen how that left arm could be so strong as she dealt with many a wayward schoolgirl. The fear of potentially seeing one of the most strict ladies around made me very nervous but did not diminish my desire to be punished.
This is an account of ‘my journey’.
Do I send that email or don’t I? I wrote the email but deleted it, I wrote it again, reading it on the screen time and time again. Finally I pressed the send button… the sense of relief immense as I had done it. Now the wait, the exciting part was to come. The reply. As promised Miss Brown personally replies to your emails. I read the reply very slowly. I was invited to give Miss Brown a call to discuss further my thoughts and requirements.
I was back in that mindset again, do I ring or don’t I? I could back out now and no harm done. But no, the inner urge to carry this through was driving me. I took the opportunity to make that call. Anticipation again as the phone rang. Upon answering all my anxiety disappeared, Miss Brown was very friendly and reassuring as we discussed for a few minutes my wishes. We agreed a date and I subsequently then received all the details in an email.
I’ve done it, I said to myself with total elation. I will be going to see Miss Brown. Now all I have to do is wait… My appointment was for a week’s time. 1pm. So I looked at my watch and thought in a week’s time I will be with Miss Brown, and my heart started to race again. Seven days became six, then five and so on. Three days out I started to work in hours. All I could think of when I was on my own was what would it be like, could I really go through with it? One day to go. I was getting more excited that my appointment was fast approaching. As I went to bed that night I knew the day would finally come and it did. The train journey took me to London, I could not read a book or concentrate on anything, but just stared out of the window and looked at the commuters and thought to myself “they don’t know what is going to happen to me” and I smiled. Had it happened to them?
The train pulls in to the station and now I have an hour and a half to wait. That was the longest 90mins of my life. Very soon I would be meeting one of the most revered ladies in the business. I pressed the button at 1pm and the second part of ‘my journey’ began.
I was met by the famous Miss Brown, in awe really at seeing this lady in real life, a very friendly lady who made me feel totally relaxed. We discussed my CP experience and my deep fascination with the CP scene from the early days of visiting that famous Janus store. Finally being asked by a smiling Miss Brown “any last requests?” made me swallow deeply. I was then ordered outside to wait. My mind was racing again.
How was I to be punished?
Would I get the cane?
How many strokes would I be given?
What cane would Miss Brown use?
Would I be bent over the horse or desk?
Would I be strapped down?
Could I bear the pain?
I can tell you when I heard those footsteps come towards the door and they got louder and louder, my stomach tightened and throat went dry. My hands were sweating too.
The door opens…
I won’t go into too much detail about the session. All I can tell you is, do as you are told. My hands got unexpectedly strapped hard and it took any smile off my face and I thought better of smirking as you do when you are nervous.
I ended up being strapped to that famous bench and duly took my punishment. There is only one way to cane in my opinion and that is from cold and Miss Brown is an expert in her art. I won’t say how many strokes I was given and their intensity, as we are all different and have different levels of endurance. When it was all over, my sense of elation was immense. I had made it!! Now I could not wait to see my bottom. This was my reward, seeing those famous stripes in the mirror. It’s fair to say I had been well and truly punished and my bottom reflected that!
I hope this helps if you are considering making this ‘journey’ like me. You can be assured that you are meeting the best lady in the business. The build up and anticipation for me is as much part of the whole process as the punishment itself whatever type of CP you choose.
July 2019
I would just like to share with you all the wonderful experience of being ‘dealt with’ by Miss Brown. This was a first time and we spoke on the phone and corresponded by email to agree on a detailed two-part scenario. Miss Brown was perfect and this session was the best I have ever had. Her role play, her spankings and her demeanour all made this an experience I cannot wait to try again.
The session started from the teacher’s door. Nerves were aplenty and even more so when I was told to sit on the naughty chair. I was then lectured and scolded for my very embarrassing ‘crime’. This was just what I needed to feel like a naughty boy again in front of a stern, firm but fair disciplinarian. I was going to be spanked and that was that. I was expertly hauled over her knee and then held in the leg-lock position. Moments later the hairbrush was raining down on my poor naughty bottom and I was that naughty boy getting his just desserts. This lady is amazing as a disciplinarian and it is a divine experience to be spanked by a left hander. In the second part of the session Miss Brown as step-mum was equally amazing and her slipper really really gets the message home.
Will I return? Yes, definitely and to all others, just be careful what you wish for. Miss Brown makes naughty boys learn by making their bottoms burn.
Ian your naughty boy
July 2019
For many years I sought and received punishment from a variety of disciplinarians – some good, some not so good – until suddenly I was forced to stop for medical reasons. Two years later and recovered, I found myself in a very peculiar situation, still able to recall the challenges and rewards CP can bring but as anxious as any newbie about whether the old magic would still be there. After much research and no little trepidation I booked a session with Miss Brown. I needn’t have worried. She was welcoming and professional and, with a few well directed questions quickly appreciated the situation and suggested what I needed was “a thorough warm up followed by a sound caning”. I agreed and a perfectly paced session ensued with hand, favourite strap and two well-chosen canes all deployed with skill, accuracy and increasing severity. The endorphins flowed and it was as if I’d never been absent from the scene.
Since that session, I have returned to session with Miss Brown on several more occasions to the exclusion of all others. We have had sessions that were challenging for me and, she assured me, exhilarating for her. Another time my request not to be marked was scrupulously observed. Other sessions have fallen between these two extremes. What keeps me coming back? Yes all the boxes identified by previous rapporteurs are ticked; Miss Brown herself is a lovely lady and in session she is highly skilled with all her implements and a great role player; her premises are very conveniently located, atmospheric, clean and extremely well equipped. But there’s more. Miss Brown is exceptionally good at discerning exactly what her client is hoping for and derives great satisfaction from how well she meets those desires. It is this focus on satisfying outcomes as well as on sound technique that makes Miss Brown special for me. Try her if you have not already done so. You will not be disappointed.
June 2019
A step closer to a full Judicial Punishment
Four months have passed since my first caning by Miss Brown. My bottom has recovered nicely. I was craving for a second session, and emailed her asking for a judicial caning role play session that should start right at the door. Everything else including the number of strokes was left up to her.
A few days before the appointed date Miss Brown sent me a summons to report to her study. From that moment on the tension grew from hour to hour, reaching nearly intolerable levels. Had I gone too far? Anyway, there was no way back. At precisely the appointed time I rang at her door.
And in the following minutes something incredible happened: due to her calm presence and clear instructions my fear gave way to a total confidence. I had to undress completely and my wrists were secured with thick leather cuffs. I had to wait outside her study before being ordered in. From inside I heard a few swishes of canes. Miss Brown was getting herself ready.
I have to admit: I’m a very bad role player. But this situation was entirely different. In fact, Miss Brown was so authentic that I just did not need to role play. I simply was myself. And I experienced a judicial scenario as if it was real.
Miss Brown remembered my last punishment of 50 strokes, and announced that there would be again 50 – at least! All I could say was that I’m sorry, but obviously that wasn’t enough.
I was made to lie over the bench and Miss Brown secured me firmly, including my wrists. Then I was ready, physically and mentally. Miss Brown selected the first cane, a straight and thick Kooboo. My hands were gripping tightly the legs of the bench. I heard the swish and a fraction of a second later the typical impact when a cane meets naked flesh. I expected an immediate sharp pain but there wasn’t any. Only a few instants later a deep pain was building from inside and seemed not to end. I concentrated on breathing and relaxing. I hoped that the pain would subside before the next stroke followed. Though Miss Brown gave me some time, the pain was still vivid when the second stroke fell. The new pain added to the old. Breath, relax. I had to survive these first strokes, stay on top of it.
But at the sixth stroke something magic happened, something that usually happens to me only after 20-30 strokes: my limbs went slack, my breathing slowed down, I felt that the bench was supporting my whole weight. And from that moment on the pain did not grow anymore. It was shorter and tolerable.
After 10 strokes there was a pause while Miss Brown selected a new cane. It was a denser rattan – and the way to 20 was long.
Again a new cane was extracted: a dreadful, red-handled dragon. What followed then was a shock: five quick, severe strokes. My body tensed and I couldn’t suppress a long moan. Miss Brown had pushed me into a new level of pain. A moment later I felt her hand caressing my back and another endorphin rush made the pain subside quickly. The following strokes up to 30 were extremely pleasant.
The fourth cane, a thicker dragon, came to use. I felt the power that Miss Brown was giving to each stroke, but I was already thinking that 50 was not far away. And then MB extracted the last cane: it looked like a normal, straight cane, slightly longer and thinner then the previous one.
Would I get a soft ending?
How wrong I was! This cane was a weapon, and Miss Brown laid on well every single stroke. I moaned again and breathed heavily. Somehow I managed to reach 50. Was the punishment (die Abstrafung) over?
Miss Brown stood there and I knew that the finale was still pending. Five extremely hard, quick strokes given with that cane. A cane that easily breaks the skin when applied with force to already bruised skin, and partially it did. I managed to have a short glimpse at her. She was elegant in her movements, I saw the power that she laid into every stroke, the energy that her arm first transferred into the cane, which then released it on my bottom. She loved what she was doing. And I loved it too.
And then it was over. I immediately felt Miss Brown close to me, I instinctively gripped her hand. She freed me of my restraints, and we hugged each other. “You were so brave”, she said, “Well done, well done”. My eyes became wet, it was a feeling of intense relief. Of happiness. Of weightlessness. Miss Brown took care of my wounds but there was not the slightest pain.
Afterwards I had the chance to get to know the other Miss Brown: extremely charismatic, a wonderful and interesting speaker – and an interested listener.
The time flew by so fast. Before Miss Brown let me out into the world, we hugged each other again.
Would I do it again? My answer is simple: of course! Not in the near term, I will give my body and my soul the time they need. But in a few months, I will write a polite email to Miss Brown, asking if she allows me to pay her a visit again.
Thank you, Miss Brown!
May 2019
I have been fascinated with spanking since a very early age. I used to dream of being spanked by television presenters when I was five or six, and couldn’t drag myself away from a birching scene in a history book at school when I was seven. My favourites games were ‘schools’ and ‘doctors and nurses’. I would try to involve my friends’ big sisters into these games. I knew that female authority, and punishment, made me feel very strange, in a nervous, excited way, from a very early age.
My first visit to a professional lady was in 1996, and I have been looking for the perfect scenario ever since. I am very clear in my own mind what I am looking for, and have experimented with many people over the years, trying to achieve the ‘scene’ that I ‘need’. There have been good experiences, and many bad experiences. The majority have been good, but all have lacked at least one essential ingredient. Until this week.
I have been seeing Miss Brown for quite a few years – typically a couple of times a year. I am hugely honoured that she will see me, and never expected to be able to play ‘in the CP premiership’, but despite her high status, she is a wonderful, down to earth, honest, caring person. I like to think I can now consider her at least partly a friend, though of course, I shall always be a client.
From the outset, Miss Brown is well respected as a beautiful, professional, top level disciplinarian with a lifetime of experience to draw on. Her stunning looks and fantastic role-playing make scenes with her breath-taking, (even before any cane strokes land). Her ‘Headmistress stare’ is without equal. I always try to hold it, but her gaze goes straight through me and I always end up looking away, feeling small and sheepish. Her premises are always spotless, smart, and authentically prepared for discipline: a desk, bench, strategically placed mirrors, school desk, library block; all is understated, but immaculate. All correspondence is with her directly, and is articulate, insightful and to the point.
Miss Brown is, above all, approachable. Any hint of ‘judgement’ is absolutely kept for inside the scenes. Her field is discipline, but within that it is easy to discuss any fantasies, desires, special requests – they are accommodated, or (occasionally), politely declined. But never judged. That’s exactly as it should be.
Once an appointment has been made Miss Brown is absolutely reliable and will be fully prepared for the session before you arrive. I have a selection of messages ‘summoning me to the Headmistress’, or tweets of pictures of an ‘impatient lady with a cane’ awaiting her visitor as mementos of some of my visits. Many have had ominous ‘Tick tock…’ tweets sent their way in the weeks before an appointment. For me the session starts almost as soon as I get up on the day in question. If needed, there is always plenty of time before he session to chat, finalise details of what is to come, and gather one’s self together (with a short prayer, maybe…)
Afterwards, you will always leave fully satisfied, usually very sore, with a huge smile and a new super-power: the ability to float down the street. There is always a hug and a cup of tea, and the cold, stern face is replaced by the warmest, caring, most engaging person you could care to meet. It is lovely chatting after a session – being praised for stoicism, sharing a laugh over the little unrehearsed details that occurred by themselves, and relaxing slowly back into the real world.
So over the years Miss Brown and I have got to know each other very well. I am always as respectful as possible, but also as honest. We plan sessions carefully (not writing scripts, but setting out a background scenario, and a few key trigger words or actions). I generally like the scene to start as soon I arrive, (and keep the niceness till afterwards – I like my Headmistresses imperiously stern and unrelenting – so careful planning in advance is essential.
Each time we play, we are edging towards that magical, elusive session that I carry in my head. Miss Brown is as responsive as possible, reading the situation with her years of wisdom, and delivering something that we can both enjoy. I often require authentic punishment, that really hurts and is difficult to take: She can absolutely deliver. This week’s session blurred the boundaries of role-play and reality completely – I wanted to smirk during her Headmistress lecture, by way of provocation, but was genuinely too terrified to. Every aspect of the visit lived up to my hopes. I was genuinely transported back to my teenage years. I was genuinely nervous, and properly punished in a very painful way, by a Headmistress who facilitated the most amazing suspension of disbelief I have ever experienced in a scene. She totally understood what I needed, accommodated the little details I had requested, and then totally submerged herself into the spirit of the scene. I shiver even now, when I replay her “Before you leave this study, I am going to give you the thrashing of your life” line, before slowly walking and selecting a vicious cane from the hooks on the back of her door. I can still feel the wracked, quivering tension in my body as I tried to stay down over the desk as the cane strokes cut into my buttocks. The power and pace were perfectly measured, of course including the final flurry of quickly delivered, relentless strokes that often conclude a Miss Brown Headmistress caning.
And after the beating, I shall never forget dissolving into her arms after ‘Mather’ had been dismissed from the office, and recovering slowly on the sofa with a cup of tea. The session was an all-time high, finally achieving that which I have been searching for for so long. Perfect sessions are not necessarily achieved overnight, but between the right players, communicating and committing in the right way, anything is possible. Miss Brown is one of those players, and you will never regret the decision to visit her. At least not once the initial pain has eased!
April 2019
Dear Miss Brown
I think I mentioned to you that my mother forcibly drilled into me the importance of thank you letters. My apologies then that it has taken me a few days, but I wanted to take some time to reflect. My conclusion is that, as my first time, I don’t think I could have had a better introduction. You were simply magnificent throughout and I just wanted to pass on my deep gratitude for the way you treated me.
I was very nervous when I arrived and had hardly slept the night before! But you were so warm and easy to talk to at the start and finish of the session. Once in role, however, you had clearly taken on board so much of what I had said. The withering looks, scolding, and punishments were all delivered marvellously. I loved the way you kept telling me what a naughty little boy I was and then, being sent out and made to stand with my nose to the wall were delicious. I had not mentioned it before, but that scenario when you made me stand in the corridor outside your study with no pants on, hands on head and a freshly smacked bottom ‘on display’ has long been something that I’ve fantasised about! I also loved it when, standing against the wall you looked up and chided with ‘stop fidgeting boy’!
When I left your apartment I was simply buzzing with joy. My bottom was buzzing too and, (this is NOT a complaint), it retained its heat and a fair colour for six hours or more. It meant I enjoyed the whole afternoon sitting a little uncomfortably and smiling to myself. It goes without saying that I should very much like to visit you again and I am already planning other things I’d like to experience (the strap and being led by the ear perhaps)!! Anyway, suffice to say I shall be saving up my pocket money and will contact you again for another appointment as soon as I am able.
Thank you once again and I look forward to my next appointment.
Kind regards
April 2019
A+ Experience From a Consummate Professional
I’m an ‘advanced beginner’ having sessioned with multiple spanking & CP professionals before. I’m pretty picky and detail oriented and have been disappointed before. I can say unequivocally that my appointment with Miss Brown was bar-none my best experience. I have never written a review like this before but felt compelled to do so to convey what a positive experience I had.
First, everything was exactly as advertised on the website with no misleading material: her location is discrete and accessible; her photos are accurate (she is alluring, manicured, and immaculately dressed); and her studio is perfectly appointed for domestic-themed spanking scenes.
Second, Miss Brown really makes an effort upfront to make you feel safe and comfortable: before we begun the scene, we had a long chat on her couch about my spanking desires, and we planned out the session down to the minute details. I’m someone for whom spanking is a very private, often isolating, fetish, and it was very liberating to be able to have an open and honest conversation with someone as understanding as Miss Brown.
Third, when it comes to the actual session, she is lights out. Miss Brown is fully committed to her role as a dominant, disciplinarian (in my case a school principal/authority figure): her genuine passion is obvious and I never felt like she was ‘going through the motions.’ Her technical skills are beyond (you can peruse the other reviews or watch her video clips). She perceptively read all my physical cues, and she dispensed ‘strict’ discipline that pushed my limits but was never brutal or sadistic. We finished with me receiving ‘six of the finest’ strokes of her cane while I was restrained on her spanking bench…it was divine.
Fourth, she sweats the details and imbues the scene with all sorts of psychological nuances that made the experience completely riveting. Things like putting an implement on the table for me to inspect before using it on me, or practice-swooshing her cane in mid-air while I waited with baited breath for my actual caning…had me quaking in my boots. The anticipation was as visceral as the spanking itself!
Taken together, visiting Miss Brown was a deeply satisfying and emotionally and physically charged experience that I will not soon forget.
Highly recommend.
March 2019
The Return Visit
He arranges to see her again, desperate to experience more of what she loves to administer.
Miss Brown is dressed in a tight-fitting white shirt that is slightly open and highlights her cleavage, a black skirt and stockings. With a warm friendly greeting she invites him in. They talk in general about adult discipline, their last session, how long the marks lasted and she notices that he has more than once looked at the implements hanging on the wall. She invites him to have a closer look and he takes one or two off the wall to have a closer look.
She asks him if he would like to experience what they feel like when applied hard across his bare bottom, knowing he will say yes. He is eager for her to choose the implements she will use. She stands close to him and tells him that she has an idea…. She tells him to go and shower. “If you return fully dressed then you are free to leave. However, if you return in only your underpants then I will let you choose which implements I will use.” She leads him to the bathroom. “But for every implement you choose, I will also choose one implement… and you know I will use them hard” she adds, with a smile.
When he emerges from the bathroom freshly showered and dressed only in his underpants, Miss Brown looks directly in to his eyes. “I think we should start with a spanking” she says. She leads him to a sofa, she sits down in the middle and tells him to get over her knee.
The spanking starts, gentle at first and then in a soft tone she says “OK, these need to come down so you can feel my hand on your bare bottom.” Lowering his underpants, a bare bottom is now the subject of her attention and she continues the spanking, again quite gentle with an occasional hard spank thrown in. Her grip on his body tightens and she delivers a genuine spanking, the kind that a strict governess would give.
She pulls up his underpants and tells him to stand up in front of her. She tells him to choose what he would like to experience next. He hands her an implement and she asks him how many, after he has answered she tells him to choose the position. He gets into position and she lowers his underpants and delivers exactly what he asked for.
“Now it’s my turn” she says, and selects what she wants to use. She chooses the number and the position she wants him in. She is careful to start with implements that will allow the session to continue for a while and intends to keep the canes for the end.
After she has finished with her chosen implement she asks him, “would you like to choose another?” and the cycle repeats. Periodically she rubs her hand over his hot cheeks and tells him that she hasn’t finished punishing him yet.
When he chooses a cane, she takes that as a cue that he is ready to move to the final part of the session. “I want you secured in position for this” she says, and she straps him to the bench. Stepping back she delivers six strokes in quick succession, taking great delight in seeing him react when the cane hits his flesh.
She then releases him.
March 2019
“…The girl waited trembling in the corridor clutching the willowy long cane in her hands. The cane that would very soon be biting across every inch of her bare bottom. Under her short school skirt she wore white thin punishment knickers that would soon be stripped off. She put one hand on a soft buttock and rubbed it and sobbed aloud.
A small tear fell to the floor as she thought of the heartless Miss Brown who would not spare her at all. Last time she had lasted only the first two strokes tied to the whipping horse before she started to struggle and howl. She knew that it would be a long and unforgiving hour’s detention and she looked around desperately for some comfort or escape but knew there was none. A sharp voice rang out from the part open door ‘come in now girl. You are a girl that needs caning thoroughly ’! Oh my God, why me, please no… she thought, why did I not behave myself …”
Whatever your characters or punishment fantasy, Miss Brown will make very very real. If you are a boy who wants to be that girl, or just a girl or a punished schoolboy, you will live the life you always wanted, in a demanding, submissive but manageable way. I know the world of CP quite well and Miss Brown is the most professional, real and authentic experience you can have, so book her soon and keep her as your disciplinarian. I would go to no one else.
Miss Williams
February 2019
This lady is one of the few friends I have on the scene who also manages to scare the living daylights out of me when we play!
Out of scene she is one of the kindest ladies you will have the pleasure of meeting, listening carefully to your limits, thoughts and fantasies. However, be careful what you wish for as the lady is very strict in role. You will get away with nothing, trust me on this!
Not only is Miss Brown excellent at roleplay (something I love and need in my scenes), but she is highly accurate too. Because of this she is able to push my limits as I relax, knowing this lady is always going to hit the target. I cannot wait until we play again, and truly hope we do so sooner rather than later.
Leia-Ann Woods
January 2019
Dear Miss Brown,
Two days have passed – and both the memories in my head and the marks on my bottom are still vivid.
It is hard to describe all my feelings at the moment: relaxed, proud, light-hearted, calm. I am aware that I have just experienced something extraordinary.
My trip to London gave me the opportunity I had been waiting for to put this long-awaited CP session with you into action. I was quite nervous when I rang the door bell, but then a beautiful, friendly and charming Miss Brown opened the door – and the first step to heaven had been taken. I really appreciated your ability to pass easily from general into more personal topics and then into details of both my previous experiences and current preferences, like no one before. This included preferences for type of canes, stroke rate, counting of the strokes, the punishment scenario and so on. Accordingly the longer I talked to you the more confident I became. But the best had yet to come.
Without really realizing it, I was projected into a ‘kind of JP scenario’ but exactly the way I had imagined it. You had read my mind, you had found the right tone and words: I knew that I was ‘in for it’ (a traditional English discipline expression!) but without feeling panic or even fear: I expected, even desired the cane.
Then I felt the first stroke. It was hard but not brutal, and so it went on, stroke after stroke. Always close to my limits but never exceeding them. You knew when and how to comfort me, you always were in control. And when I thought “Yes, Miss Brown, I’m ready for the next”, the next stroke came. After 25 strokes you announced “half way” and my feeling was a mixture of “OMG, just half time!” and “25 strokes to come, I will be able to take them”.
The last ten were the hardest, but suddenly it was over. It was as if an enormous weight had fallen from me. I felt immense relief, I think I was close to crying but for happiness. You were there, and the first words that I heard were: “Well done!” Nothing better could have happened to me.
The play scenario was over, and the original friendly Miss Brown offered me a coffee and brought me back to earth…
January 2019
Caned two days in a row
I am experienced in receiving severe canings of around 30 hard strokes. For a long time I had been curious about what it would be like to be caned at that level two days in a row. I raised this question with Miss Brown who confirmed that it would be possible but warned me that it would present a difficult challenge for me. I decided to go ahead and we foud availability for me to visit Miss Brown on two consecutive days. The plan was that I would receive 30 hard strokes on each day given in three sets of ten with three different canes.
As the dates approached I nervously contemplated my fate. Knowing how sore and bruised my poor bottom has been at times after 30 strokes from Miss Brown, I wondered how I would manage with this as the start point on Day Two. However, time waits for no man and before I knew it the appointed hour was upon me and I was at Miss Brown’s door.
I stood in front of Miss Brown’s desk to hear my punishment pronounced. Three different canes were laid out ominously on her desk. I was ordered to strip and ready myself to be secured to the bench, where I would receive 30 hard strokes in sets of ten, one set from each of the canes I could see in front of me. But of course that was only to be half of my punishment. I was informed that, after the 30 strokes, I would be released and allowed to leave, but that I must return in 24 hours’ time when the entire process would be repeated.
As she secured me to the bench, Miss Brown confirmed my fears, commenting that whilst what was to happen today would certainly be painful, it would be nothing compared to tomorrow.
The first stroke came down and I gasped as it bit into my flesh. It was followed by another, and another. The first ten were a bit of a struggle as my focus was divided between coping with the physical and psychological aspects of the punishment. I told myself that I needed to get my head around this, knowing that there was much worse to come. By the time Miss Brown began to administer the second set of ten, I felt I was coping better. After 20 strokes, Miss Brown was clearly satisfied with her work so far as she told me that my bottom was starting to look nice and sore. Of course she did not let up and her unerring accuracy and power ensured that the third set of ten was very painful, with some strokes landing on top of previous strokes. Finally, the last stroke of the day was delivered.
As I dressed myself, Miss Brown reminded me that tomorrow’s caning would be significantly more painful than today’s.
Upon arrival on Day Two, Miss Brown enquired as to how my bottom was feeling. I replied that it was not too bad, although I admitted that it hurt to sit on a hard seat. Standing once again in front of Miss Brown’s desk, I was told that I would today receive the second part of my punishment: a further 30 strokes, again delivered in three sets of ten with three canes. As I stripped and positioned myself over the bench, I wondered just how much more painful this was going to be. As if reading my mind, Miss Brown remarked that my bottom bore some beautiful bruising which promised to make the caning to come very challenging indeed.
I heard the swish before the first stroke of the day hit its target, every bit as powerful and accurate as the strokes of the previous day. I gasped and quickly focused on being ready for the second, which soon followed. By the time the sixth stroke had landed my bottom was on fire, and I was well aware that Miss Brown had no intention of holding back. However, I felt very focused and determined to take my punishment. Even so, I was grateful for the pause after the tenth stroke.
The second set commenced and the pain increased to new levels, but in my mind I was starting to feel relief. I knew that once I had made it through this set, I only had ten more strokes to ensure. I gritted my teeth and the set was soon complete.
Miss Brown remarked that my bottom was now quite grazed and clearly becoming very sore indeed. The final ten strokes would be difficult to take. I knew that at this level of punishment that was to be expected, and I told Miss Brown that I had anticipated this. As predicted, the final set was intense, not only because each stroke landed on a very bruised bottom but also because the cane selected by Miss Brown for this final set was the most severe of all. Every powerful stroke brought yet more burning pain, but I made it through to number ten, and then it was all over!
I remained on the bench whilst Miss Brown cleaned and dressed my wounds. Finally, she released my restraints, ordered me to my feet, and told me to stand in front of the mirror so that I could see the visual effects of my punishment for myself. Miss Brown had done an impressive job. The experience had certainly been challenging but also every bit as satisfying as I had hoped. I was very pleased and grateful to have fulfilled a long-held desire. I thanked Miss Brown and turned to get dressed.
December 2018
I have just had the privilege of visiting Miss Brown for the first time. The session was both memorable and highly enjoyable. We had been in touch via email and phone beforehand. Upon arrival at her comfortable central London apartment Miss Brown welcomed me warmly and immediately put me at ease. We discussed my hopes for the session over a cup of tea. Her manner is so friendly and understanding, it makes it easy to reveal one’s most secret fantasies to her. My particular fantasy was that of a sissy maid being sent to her for severe correction.
Miss Brown was so commanding in her role play that it was almost a relief to be firmly secured to her whipping bench for a well-deserved punishment. The punishment itself was conducted in a very formal manner, which is the way I prefer it. Miss Brown used a leather strap and several canes to administer a session of severe corporal punishment. Each stroke was delivered with incredible power and accuracy. I had not been caned for several years and the shock of the first few strokes almost caused me to question my decision to subject myself once again. However the succeeding strokes reminded me of the pleasures of CP. All too soon it was over and time to recover with another cup of tea. I had thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I was pleased to realise that Miss Brown had enjoyed herself as well. She complimented me on taking my punishment very well and on my new hard-earned stripes. She is such a lovely lady and excellent disciplinarian it will be soon time to make a new appointment.
December 2018
Miss Brown’s bench
“There is something comforting about being tied up. Like when you were a baby and your mother strapped you in the car seat. She wanted you to be safe. It was an act of love.”
(Madonna, “Sex”, 1990)
I’ve never been hugely into bondage. My fetish has always been about corporal punishment, especially the cane, in a domestic or school context. I am a masochist, not a slave or submissive. Sometimes I like to role-play, at others to simply partake in mutually enjoyable ‘spanking’ activity. And then there is Miss Brown’s bench, which we utilise when a longer or more severe caning is to be given. It is an entirely different experience from bending over her desk or horse. Clearly there are elements of bondage and of submission – but not of punishment. Rather, it is an act of giving and receiving. Words are often inadequate to truly express the emotions involved. Nonetheless I have attempted to do so in this poem, which I hope readers will enjoy.
Strapped to the bench is such a special feeling.
Those straps across my back, thighs and calves hold me securely.
A symbol of Miss Brown’s care for me, and of my trust in her.
I give myself to her. I am at her mercy. What bliss!
Unable to move my body, my mind settles,
I know what is to come, a feeling of peace embraces me
Yet my heart races with nervous anticipation.
She grasps her cane. The first stroke lands,
Sharp stinging pain pierces my flesh, my brain,
Like a flash of lightning linking earth and sky.
Again she strikes, the lithe rod employed with skill and zest,
Arcing, hissing, kissing with fiery intent,
An expression not of punishment but mutual desire.
The strokes continue, higher, lower, faster, slower,
Sadistic ardour stoking the fires of masochistic yearning,
But what I feel is not just pain
But also her enjoyment, marking my body with her passion.
My endorphins race, creating a paradox as comfort and hunger both increase.
We’re flying now, soaring above the noisy clamour of the street
Into that place where pain and pleasure meld and consciousness subsides.
Still the strokes come steadily as avidly her cane paints further welts
And then a rapid flurry, urgently intense,
That takes us to the mountain top of sensual thrashing thrills,
The harmony of minds in tune and unity of purpose.
Andrew Lines
November 2018
Dear Miss Brown,
A special thank you for a most memorable session yesterday. I have been caned 30 or 40 times in the past and I can honestly say that that was the most severe I have ever received. It was also the best session I have ever had. Beautifully run, instilling a great deal of fear in me, exactly what I needed. What a good role player you are. You have restored my faith in the CP scene. I am proud and honoured to have served under you. Thank you for emailing me the pictures you took and for your kind comments.
October 2018
Dear Miss Brown,
I came to see you for a detention two weeks ago today and asked you to push me as you judged suitable but with the aim that any marks would have gone by what is now tomorrow.
The detention was challenging and the strapping exquisitely painful, the caning hurt a lot but overall it was a thoroughly stimulating experience which I thoroughly enjoyed. The marks you left were colourful and left a lasting sensation.
It was very kind of you then to apply cream to my damaged cheeks. Thank you for the whole experience.
All of this is part of the terrific and superlative experience you give and for which you are (rightly) used to being thanked.
The extra I would like to add is that tonight I have three tiny marks on my right cheek which are all that remain from a foot-long bruise, they will be gone in the morning and all the other marks have disappeared from my skin – but not from my memory.
This was the work of a true artist and I am very pleased to have met you. I very much look forward to our next meeting.
Your respectful pupil,
September 2018
Miss Brown
The definition of a lady
captured so eloquently in name alone.
Standing tall and firm in her white blouse,
displaying her glorious cleavage, figure hugging skirt,
and her fine legs encased in fine black stockings,
is a sight to treasure.
Her firm commands,
most beautifully commanded in the finest use of the English laguage
are enough to make you quiver.
The way she demonstrates her affection for the bare bottom
by making it dance
is a feeing not quite yet matched
by any other.
To take a bare bottom tanning
from this legendary English rose
is simply Heaven on Earth.
August 2018
Miss Brown has a well-deserved reputation for severity, particularly when wielding the cane, and, as I made clear in a previous testimonial, it was this that initially drew me to make contact with her. So it is that, in the last few years, I have received some very hard thrashings at her hands.
However, Miss Brown would be the first to recognise that not everyone seeks the same level of punishment and that, moreover, each person’s tolerance level can vary with both mood and circumstance. With that in mind, I thought it might be helpful to relate my most recent experience at the hands of our fabulous Headmistress.
For reasons that need not detain us, I needed on this occasion to be free of all residual marking within four weeks, something I cannot always guarantee after a session with Miss Brown’s senior dragon cane. These circumstances were discussed between us in advance and, at the appointed time, I reported to the Headmistress’s study.
Any hopes I might have entertained of getting off lightly were quickly extinguished when she met me at the door to her premises, directed me to change into my PE kit in the bathroom and wait outside her study door until she was ready. The wait was characteristically nerve-wracking as I stood, heart pounding, knowing that, at any moment, the door would open and my punishment commence.
What followed was a truly epic session. The cane featured briefly but the centrepiece was a ferocious paddling, with a variety of wooden paddles, that just went on and on. This was augmented by a lengthy hand spanking, a good dose of the hairbrush and an eye-watering hand strapping. The pictures Miss Brown took of my bottom afterwards confirmed that the visual spectacle was as impressive as the throbbing furnace detected by my nerve endings. The journey home on hard public transport seats was quite a challenge.
The main purpose of this account, however, is to celebrate Miss Brown’s capacity to judge a session to perfection. She knew instinctively that, despite my concerns about enduring marking, I would be disappointed if my punishment were not sufficiently challenging. So I got the kind of whacking she knew I needed. Nevertheless, all traces of the session were gone within the timescale we had agreed.
Thank you, Miss Brown. You are a magician!
Mark B
August 2018
Following Miss Brown’s website and Twitter made me realise that I had to make contact; so on return from an overseas assignment, I did just that. Within three days we had exchanged emails and had a phone conversation to set a date and time.
On the day, following instructions, I found the apartment easily and was invited in. We had a relaxed chat so we would know more about each other, as well as my experience and expectations for the session. I had prepared a letter outlining my truancy from school the previous day. The scene was set and I knocked on the study door.
On entering, the Headmistress was sat at her desk with my letter in front of her. I was told to stand still in front of the desk, hands at my sides. Miss Brown read the letter to me and gave a stern, matter-of-fact telling off in a measured voice; clearly enough to trouble a carpeted schoolboy. The punishment book was opened and my name entered along with the offence. I was then told that I was to receive twelve strokes of the cane, and to lower my trousers and pants. While doing this, Miss Brown selected the cane she would use, testing two before settling on a crook-handled school cane. The next order was to bend across the desk.
Then followed twelve hard, painful, measured strokes, making me yelp as several strokes landed in a particularly sensitive area. This was certainly a genuine school caning intended to be painful as requested. After the twelve strokes I was told to stand and turn to face the Headmistress with one hand outstretched. Three strokes of the strap were administered to each hand.
While pulling up my pants and trousers, the Headmistress completed her entry in the punishment book with the number of strokes given and her signature to confirm that the punishment had been administered. I was then dismissed.
Then it was back to our real selves for a coffee and longer chat. The time went by all too quickly and I am already thinking about the scenario for my next visit. Miss Brown is a lovely person who tailored the session to my needs. In role she is a real Headmistress, outside of role a most pleasant, understanding and caring person.
My thanks for this first session and I will be back in the near future.
July 2018
Dear Miss Brown,
Thank you so much for our session on Monday evening. Still a bit sore as I write this!
I would particularly like to thank you for your patience and flexibility that enabled us to come together. This was very much appreciated and allowed me to fulfil a long time ambition to session with the legendary Miss Brown.
It was many years ago in the Janus shop that I came across a video with a striking headmistress and schoolgirls on its cover, two of my favourite interests. As the haunting Red Stripe tune finished, one then enjoyed the spectacle of Miss Brown chastising schoolgirls. It was the start of a collection of Red Stripe Miss Brown videos and many an enjoyable time watching the girls being spanked, strapped and caned.
Red Stripe was followed by Miss Marchmont. Jailed, Stripped, Striped with Mistress Sidonia, a classic. Those famous words “I think we will have some fast ones”. Loved the later one, That’ll Teach Em.
I remember the occasional advert on ITC when you were in France and you were visiting the UK. Alas one could never coincide with your schedule. It was great when you returned to the UK. Your Brief Encounter clips and the Punishment Club with Miss Hastings were welcome opportunities to see you in action again.
Then Twitter! One could now follow your adventures at the Fitzrovia Academy with the occasional Judicial thrown in.
Then finally we were able to get together, thank you so much.
The session was excellent. The trepidation of visiting the Headmistress was very much in my mind having not had a session for a while. The role play was first class and the punishment fitted perfectly. Being over your knee was great, it is a long time since I have had such a good spanking. With the strapping of the hands and the gym shoe, it introduced a harshness that had me shaking a bit. I did not know what would happen next, so this heightened the tension.
And then the cane and the famous Miss Brown line, before the last six “no need to count these ones” – harsh and memorable.
The effective dynamics of the first meeting with a Disciplinarian is the ability to form a mutual trust with the first few minutes of meeting some one. It is a special relationship to form in a short time to allow someone to inflict a beating. One felt safe in your charge.
It was so kind of you to take the photographs and forward them on to me and thank you for allowing me to take some myself.
I really enjoyed our chat afterwards. I do find Corporal Punishment a fascinating subject and particularly real-life accounts. Undoubtedly harsh and brutal at times. Hand tawsing is one practice that comes to mind, an unfortunate experience for some, but still fascinating.
Jonathan Storey
June 2018
In Miss Brown you will find nothing to fear and a great deal to enjoy – until you are summoned into her study. The theatre of her setting is perfect for the purpose. She is beautiful, charming and very proper in her arrangements. There are no nasty surprises when you arrive and none emerge later. She is easy to talk to about the experience you are ready for and will prepare the scenario as you agree. When all is settled between you the meeting will move to the next stage.
It is once you knock on the door of her study and she has uttered the words “come in!” that the magic takes off. I reported to many mistresses over the years and have always previously come away at least a bit disappointed by their role playing. With Miss Brown this does not apply – she is utterly authentic, impressive and powerful.
What is to be feared when you enter is just the one thing that brought you there. When the interview moves to the words “bend over!” the submission is total and the exercise of her left arm is perfectly aimed and applied. The chastisement will be as hard or not as you have agreed, more years of experience than her gentle face would suggest have given her the ability to judge and apply her punishment at the level she judges you deserve without exceeding your limit.
Miss Brown is at the top of the league and will not leave you in any doubt that you have failed to match her requirements. When she has marked her displeasure on you the cup of tea and conversation that follow will send you out with a spring in your step – and a very red bottom.
Robert Storrs
April 2018
Her tribute is very reasonable, but more importantly, Miss Brown is worth every penny and more. From the moment I initially emailed to the subsequent phone call, I was met with nothing but courtesy and a total understanding of my requirements.
I like role play, can be cheeky and was delighted that Miss Brown easily adapted to my scenario’s. She is highly intelligent, articulate, very attractive and importantly has a great sense of humour, whilst being very strict when she has to.
Oh and yes, can she spank. Hand, brush, straps, tawse and cane- all were wielded with accuracy and a degree of severity whilst always respecting limits. I have left her easily located flat with a happy smile and a warm glow.
Whether you are a newbie or an experienced scene player, go and see Miss Brown. She is the best.
November 2017
Reading the testimonials of those who got there before me, it would be easy simply to say that, “I agree with all of the below”. To do so would not, however, do justice to Miss Brown or to the relationship I feel I have forged with her.
I came to Miss Brown’s study as a relatively experienced player who, because of a change in personal circumstances, suddenly found himself without an outlet for cravings that had their origins in the grammar school discipline of the 1960s. When these needs became irresistible, I decided to turn to professional help. After two less than successful forays into this new world, I found my way to Miss Brown.
I have a particular appetite for the cane and it was Miss Brown’s reputation with this implement, and the evidence of her prowess provided by some of her films, that led me to her door. Even so, it took me a while to pluck up the courage to contact her. When I did so, as others have said, I was met by a warmth and understanding that made me feel immediately at home. She listened carefully to what I told her and seemed immediately to understand what was driving me. Even now, more that two years on, she surprises me by recalling things I told her in that first meeting.
Her skills are so many and varied that it would take forever just to list them. It is, above all else, her ability to “read” me that marks her out. My particular need is for genuine punishment. I need it to hurt and to push me to the point (and beyond) at which I really don’t think I can take any more. The problem is that, while it’s easy to say this from the safe distance of an email or phone call, the reality of actually being in the study – with one’s gaze drawn irresistibly to the urn of canes – is rather different. At this point I am always tempted to prevaricate and to become hesitant. Miss Brown listens patiently with her customary grace and charm before gently persuading me to “go and get ready”. I change into my school uniform, or punishment shorts, before taking a deep breath and knocking on the study door.
From the moment she utters the fateful words, “Come in”, Miss Brown is transformed into the disciplinarian who will brook no nonsense. And I become the ill-disciplined, smutty schoolboy that I never really was in real life. She has the ability to make me feel ashamed and guilty about my imaginary misdemeanours. I am often trembling by the time my buttocks are bared and I am ordered over the desk. Indeed, I almost feel relief at escaping her piercing gaze and scathing dressing down. The relief is short lived.
Miss Brown canes me hard and accurately, and it hurts – a lot. She understands exactly what I need even if, by this point, I am wondering what possessed me to volunteer for what is being done to my bottom. And, of course, she delivers. A genuine, remorseless thrashing that leaves me welted, bruised and sore.
Then suddenly it’s all over and Miss Brown is once more the smiling, gentle, beautiful charmer who, an hour or so earlier, persuaded me to place my backside at her disposal. Thank you Miss, for allowing me to join your happy band of miscreants – and for being such a lovely person.
Mark B
October 2017
I have had upwards of half a dozen sessions with her in the last few years, none of them less than utterly memorable. I am an aficionado of the cane, and have been caned by scores of women over the years, but none has hit the spot so consistently as the inimitable Miss Brown! What makes her so special? Well, in the first case, the clinical accuracy of her caning. You know that you will leave her study with an immaculately striped bottom and that, thanks to the wonders of Twitter, you will (if you wish) have a lasting visual reminder of the occasion – the ultimate souvenir. Equally important is her prowess at role play. I am one of those spanking enthusiasts who loves making up some suitably painful scenario and then playing it out. Whether I have been an overly-curious journalist taught a lesson for his prurience, a male teacher caught spying on a female student’s punishment, or a slovenly lady secretary, Miss Brown has immediately ‘got’ the scenario I have suggested in a way that has enabled us both to go straight into role and and act it out with gusto and panache. It is a rare skill, which very few others possess to the same degree.
Last but not least, she is tremendous fun out of role, always happy to chat, with an infectious laugh, interesting perspectives to share and, of course, ridiculously sexy in an understated way. I can hardly recommend her highly enough.
October 2017
Fast forward to my early forties and I was still just as fascinated, and even hungrier to fulfil my fantasies. I discovered Miss Brown during one of my speculative trawls through Twitter and knew in very short order that I had finally found someone who might ‘get’ me. Even then, it was months before I reached out. When I did, it was unplanned. On impulse, I wrote an email introducing myself and asking for more information. The moment I clicked send, I felt that I had crossed a bridge in my life. I was thrilled, even though I didn’t know what would happen next. The very next morning, I received a short, warm and encouraging email from Miss Brown, and suddenly she was real to me. Her message included her phone number, and gave me the confidence to take things further. Exchanging a couple more brief emails, we agreed to speak by phone during the coming weekend.
Making the call was undoubtedly the most nerve-wracking step to take. I put it off, repeatedly, when the agreed time period came. Finally, I sat on the floor and dialled the number I had been given. I was shaking with adrenaline. Miss Brown answered, and her wonderfully honeyed tone immediately reassured me. All the same, I found it difficult to begin. I apologised, telling Miss Brown that I had never before spoken aloud about my interest in corporal punishment. She was understanding and reassuring, telling me that she frequently spoke to people in just the same position. Gently, she coaxed words from me. I explained that I wanted to be punished, but I didn’t know exactly how, or how much. After that, I relaxed a little. We chatted and laughed. Then she gave me the information I needed: how a private appointment works, what I could expect. At the end of the conversation, which lasted for about ten minutes altogether, it was left with me to think about the possibility of booking an appointment.
I booked the appointment, by email, less than an hour later. I had less than a week to wait. That week was filled with some nerves, but also delicious anticipation. What would it be like? What would she be like, in person? Would I enjoy it?
When the day arrived, I left my desk at work at lunchtime and took the tube to the address I’d been given. I made sure I was on time, but not too early in case I had to hang around and lost my nerve. As it was, I rang the building entry bell without hesitating and the next thing I knew, I was inside and being greeted warmly. I was directed in to the sitting room and we sat down for a chat. In person, Miss Brown was even lovelier than she had sounded on the phone. She put me at my ease and encouraged me to open up a little more than I had during our first conversation. Her assured manner and evident depth of experience filled me with confidence. “Now comes the difficult bit” she said, eventually, and asked me to be specific about my desires and what I wanted from our time together. Feeling so safe, I found it surprisingly easy to express what I would like, helped by some clarifying questions and well-judged prompts. We agreed the role play scenario and discussed possible implements to be used. I didn’t want any marks that would last more than a few hours and I didn’t want to experience the cane, and there was no pressure on that front. Then Miss Brown asked me if I was ready and I laughed. I’d been ready for so long. “Let’s do it”, I said.
Then I was alone in the hall, slipping easily and eagerly into character, taking a few deep breaths as I faced the study door. I raised my hand, and knocked. “Come in” came the call. I turned the door handle, pushed… and my journey to Miss Brown’s door was complete. A new journey was beginning.
I would not hesitate to recommend Miss Brown to anyone who is looking for a first experience of corporal punishment. You really could not put yourself in better hands.
September 2017
The mental connection, understanding each other’s ‘headspace’, is a crucial part of all BDSM/CP play. It takes time to build that connection but no-one has ever understood my headspace as quickly or as thoroughly as Miss Brown. It helped that we both list the cane as our first love within CP (thus the very first play we engaged in was a cold caning!) but that was just fortune smiling on us. What I have learnt is that she has the most amazing powers of perception and understanding. She also truly cares, and takes time to talk, discuss, and listen in order to provide the best possible session for all levels of players, combining client needs with her considerable experience, skill and creativity. I love it that I never quite know what is coming next, a sure-fire recipe for ensuring that she remains in full control of the activity. When you are with her you cannot fail to recognise how much she enjoys and takes pride in her work, and mutual enjoyment is such a vital element of successful play sessions.
Is there such a thing as the perfect Headmistress? In all honesty I’d have said ‘no’ – until I met Miss Brown. Those piercing eyes, that look of disapproval, that sharp tongue berating you for your failings, the clear commands delivered in a tone of voice that is seductively irresistible, give her a ‘presence’ that is hard to describe but impossible to ignore. Somehow she embodies all the attitudes I remember from my schooldays in the 1950/60’s, but combined with her stunning beauty and aura of calm, elegant authority it’s an intoxicating, spell-binding mix. Her prowess with the cane is legendary, power and accuracy combining to create an array of picturesque welts to be worn with pride, but don’t underestimate her use of other implements. She gives a superb hard hand-spanking, loves using her straps and tawses, and has a full collection of ‘toys’ to ensure that all naughty boys and girls receive their just desserts.
However, I cannot end this testimonial there, for what makes her so special is that she is a genuinely lovely person. The strict Headmistress is also a warm, caring, friendly person who takes a thoughtful interest in her boys and girls, not just as clients but as people. I am proud to know her as a friend as well as my wonderful Headmistress, and regard my visits to her as some of the brightest highlights in my calendar. To anyone reading this who is into CP and school-based play but has never visited her I can only say – you’re missing out big time! However, don’t all rush at once – I need some space left in her diary for my future visits!
Andrew Lines
August 2017
Caning is my favourite activity and over the years, I have had the pleasure of experiencing some of the finest exponents of the art. Strictly Miss Brown is simply the best caner I have ever come across. She is superb at role play and canes as hard as I can manage whilst being always accurate. I will sometimes wish to push things too far but she always able to judge when is enough is enough. She is also extremely reliable and professional in terms of her flexibility in arranging sessions. She is very personable before and after a session and gorgeous too. I cannot recommend her too highly!
August 2017